Beginner question

Archives Forums/Blitz3D SDK Programming/Beginner question

Jason W.(Posted 2007) [#1]
I already own BlitzMAX, and I would like to get the SDK since I'm a noob when it comes to 3D game programming.

Will all the Blitz3D tutorials, manuals (Blitz3D Programmers Manual), and code examples work?

I'm very excited about this.


BlitzSupport(Posted 2007) [#2]
Basically, yes. You need to prepend 'bb' to all the command names (eg. Graphics3D -> bbGraphics3D) and port the language constructs (eg. declaration of variables is different in BlitzMax), but it should be very simple to figure out. Remember to call bbBeginBlitz3D before using any of the B3D commands!

neseir(Posted 2007) [#3]
Using the DEV-CPP I'm supposed to copy the template files, include file and the library file to the corresponding catalogs in the DEV-CPP structure but I can't find any library with the .a extension in the SDK structure. Is this file missing or are there some steps I'm missing using the .lib file ?

DEV-CPP (the wx version 6.10.2)

ZJP(Posted 2007) [#4]
The 'Blitz3dsdk.lib' file into the lib directory. Works well with DevC++

Edit : WxDevC++ maybe different. I don't now...

neseir(Posted 2007) [#5]

If I choose to use the Visual Studio 2003 compiler it works. I think the default MinGW compiler expects a .a library file and not the .lib library file that is delivered with the SDK.

(tried after installing the lates DEV-CPP and not using the wx edition and got the same result).
