CanvasGraphics fail on a Dual monitor setting

Archives Forums/MaxGUI Bug Reports/CanvasGraphics fail on a Dual monitor setting

Space Fractal(Posted 2006) [#1]
It Seen BlitzMax have very bad support for those with dual monitor...

Here some code, that crash:

WindowID=CreateWindow("MultiJuke By Space Fractal", 100, 100, 400, 300, Null, s)
PaintID=CreateCanvas(0, 0, 400, 300, WindowID)
SetGraphics CanvasGraphics(PaintID)

If I try to run it on "Horizontal Stretch", where desktop is streched across, the SetGraphics fail with the canvas (since the default mode in my app was in a windowed).

It does work fine in the fullscreen, when "Horizontal Stretch" are enabled.