Installing BlitzMax from SVN

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/Installing BlitzMax from SVN

Winni(Posted 2008) [#1]
I wrote a little summary about installing the SVN version of BlitzMax on OS X from scratch. I hope somebody will find it useful:

SebHoll(Posted 2008) [#2]
Nice work. Stickied! ;-)

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2008) [#3]
This is a nice tutorial, but it really is something that BRL should have professionally provided up front at the time of making this live.

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#4]
something that BRL should have professionally provided

Why? The SVN version is not an official release. Official releases you can download from the Products Updates section of your Account page.

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2008) [#5]
The SVN version is not an official release.


However, expect the usual banter to follow about svn and updates and official-ness and why BRL are bad for letting everyone see their internal progress.

Brucey(Posted 2008) [#6]
expect the usual banter to follow

Indeed ;-)

But better to have access to in-progress work than have to wait months for full releases.

If you look around the wild web, this is how open-source projects work - you can wait between releases for updates, or dive in and try out the latest code from the repository.

Sure, BlitzMax isn't an open-source project, but I don't see any reasons why it can't act like one.

Anyhoo... enough of this banter.

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2008) [#7]
I think if you're going to make the SVN stuff available you should consider it an aspect of your business's image and presentation, and therefore is `official`. You can't just say `oh here's a newer version on SVN` without really telling people what SVN is and how to use it. That's kind of like creating a new product and shipping it without instructions.

Still, the above tutorial looks good and I will try it out this weekend.

impixi(Posted 2008) [#8]
Another approach:

SVN BlitzMax on an Intel Mac.

This is a brief tutorial to get the BlitzMax SVN version up and running on an Intel Mac, installed in your Home directory, using only Terminal. You will need to have XCode installed (it's on your OSX install disk or you can download the latest version from and a valid Blitz username and password.


Initially you need to 'checkout' the BlitzMax SVN files. To do this, open a terminal window. Finder menu: Go->Utilities->Terminal.

Type the following commands (and enter your Blitz username and password when requested):
svn checkout ~/blitzmax
svn checkout ~/blitzmax/bin
svn checkout ~/blitzmax/lib

If you have a MaxGUI license:
svn checkout ~/blitzmax/mod/maxgui.mod

Change into the BlitzMax binary 'directory':
cd ~/blitzmax/bin

Compile all source files:
./bmk makemods -a
./bmk makemods -a -h

Compile and build the MaxIDE (if you have a MaxGUI license):
./bmk makeapp -t gui -h -d ./../src/maxide/maxide.bmx

Move the MaxIDE executable to an appropriate directory:
mv ./../src/maxide/ ~/blitzmax

Close the Terminal window. Launch the MaxIDE. Finder menu: Go->Home->blitzmax->maxide. Rebuild documentation.

* NOTE *: If you don't own a MaxGUI license you need to download the latest MaxIDE ( and extract it into the root blitzmax directory.


Periodically you may want to 'update' to the latest BlitzMax SVN development version. In a Terminal window type:

svn update ~/blitzmax
svn update ~/blitzmax/bin

If you have a MaxGUI license:
svn update ~/blitzmax/mod/maxgui.mod

If any files were updated, you need to rebuild the modified files:
bmk makemods
bmk makemods -h

Rebuild (and move) the MaxIDE if any MaxGUI files were rebuilt:
./bmk makeapp -t gui -h -d ./../src/maxide/maxide.bmx
mv ./../src/maxide/ ~/blitzmax

impixi(Posted 2009) [#9]
Should probably unsticky this topic now that BlitzMax SVN is no longer available to the general public...