Anyone Used AquaticPrime to protect their Mac game

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/Anyone Used AquaticPrime to protect their Mac game

Cartman(Posted 2007) [#1]
I'm trying to find out if anyone has found a good way to protect their game on the Mac with a solid secure registration program. On the Indie Gamer Forums, there was metion of this one:

It seems to be pretty good, but it requires some C code to be implemented. Has anyone done this, or know of a better option?


Brucey(Posted 2007) [#2]
That looks very cool... almost wants someone to wrap it up in a little module to make it easier to integrate with Max.

Cartman(Posted 2007) [#3]
Yeah. Exactly what I was hoping. :)

pls(Posted 2007) [#4]
I used it on Su Doku Live with great results.


Happy Sammy(Posted 2007) [#5]
Hi all,

Any similar free-open prg for Windows?

Thanks in advance.

pls(Posted 2007) [#6]
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "AquaticPrime.h"

#include <brl.mod/blitz.mod/blitz.h>
#include <brl.mod/maxgui.mod/maxgui.h>

/*- (NSString*)checkLicense:(NSString*)licensePath

int checkkey(BBString *licensePath)
// Paste obfuscated public key here
NSMutableString *key = [NSMutableString string];

// Instantiate AquaticPrime
AquaticPrime *licenseValidator = [AquaticPrime aquaticPrimeWithKey:key];

// Get the dictionary from the license file
// If the license is invalid, we get nil back instead of a dictionary
NSDictionary *licenseDictionary = [licenseValidator dictionaryForLicenseFile:[NSString stringWithCString:bbStringToCString(licensePath)]];

if (licenseDictionary == nil)
printf("invalid key");
return 1;
printf("valid key");
// return [licenseDictionary objectForKey:@"Name"]
return 0;

... and then in your bmax program...

Import "libAquaticPrime.a"
Import "AquaticPrime.m"
Import "openssl/libcrypto.a"
Import "openssl/libssl.a"
Function checkkey:Int(licensePath:String)
End Extern

... you may then just call the checkkey() from bmax...


PS: sorry I took so long but I have been rather busy and far away from game coding... just now getting back to it and thinking about coding the next game.