Mac menu bar?

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/Mac menu bar?

MadCat13(Posted 2006) [#1]
Does anyone know how to access the Mac menu bar in BlitzMax or MaxGUI?

I'm trying to build a program for my own needs and I'd like to set it up with a standard Mac menu (I've seen this done in other BlitzMax commercial programs)

I apologize if this question has already been asked somewhere else, and thanks ahead of time.


MadCat13(Posted 2006) [#2]
I finally figured it out :P

I feel pretty dumb now.


Garrett(Posted 2006) [#3]

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2006) [#4]

MadCat13(Posted 2006) [#5]
Whenever using any of the menu creation commands, on the Mac the menu item is placed in the menu bar. (Haven't had a chance to try BlitzMax under Windows or Linux yet, but I suppose that the menu there would be inside the window it was created for?)

Does anyone know how to access or modify the main section of a BlitzMax app on the menubar? (If the app was named XYZ, then there would be a XYZ menu item with Hide, Hide Others, Show All, and Quit options inside of it)

I hope that question is clear enough :P


Tricky(Posted 2006) [#6]
Clear enough to me.

As for Linux. Couldn't test it, as I never got along with Linux very well. In Windows the menus will indeed appear in the window the menus are created for. (You will need the UpdateWindowMenu command if I haven't mistaken. Otherwise the menu will not appear in Windows).

As for the App menu. As far as I know you cannot change it. It's a menu typical to MacOS and not for Windows and Linux. All BlitzMax modules have been designed that way that you all commands must be compatible with all three platforms. Are at least as much as possible. But maybe there are features I don't know about, but with the default mods it's not possible as far as I know.