BlitzBuddy v1.1

Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/BlitzBuddy v1.1

SJB(Posted 2005) [#1]
I have released a new version. If anyone is using this, I would really like to know.

You can download from

The changes are:
* Added help section to help viewer to enable viewing of user guide and language guide.
* Added restricting search to particular modules in help viewer.
* Shows module introduction text if available when a module is chosen in the help veiwer.
* Added option to add a script to be run when help viewer results list item is double-clicked. The item clicked can be substituted into the script using the %result% placeholder. The script could be used to pass the command to an editor.
* Added recent searches menu to help viewer search field.
* Added tool to create simple BBEdit glossary for BlitzMax.
* Remembers splitter position in help viewer window.

Robert(Posted 2005) [#2]
Hi SJB, I cannot comment on the program as I don't yet have a Mac, just a note to say that the BBEdit link on your website seems to be broken.

Koekelas(Posted 2005) [#3]
I would like to use it (and donate for it) but I don't own a copy of BBEdit and BBEdit is quite an expensive program.


MRaven(Posted 2005) [#4]
Thats the problem. I would really like to use a different IDE than the standart one, but BBEdit is way too expensive.

SJB(Posted 2005) [#5]
I have corrected the link, thanks Robert.

[quote]BBEdit is quite an expensive program. [\quote]
Yes it is. The trouble with all the other editors I have looked at (TextMate, SubEthaEdit, jEdit) is that they either have no AppleScript support, or their support is very limited. This makes it difficult to integrate a tool like BlitzBuddy.
You can use BlitzBuddy without needing BBEdit, by using the build, run, etc buttons on the BlitzBuddy window, but of course you don't get the nice integration.

SJB(Posted 2005) [#6]
It seems that Bare Bones have released their TextWrangler editor for free! (

TextWrangler is a cut-down version of BBEdit.
The BlitzBuddy scripts should work with TextWrangler, although you will need to change references to BBEdit to TextWrangler.

Koekelas(Posted 2005) [#7]
I'll check it out.
