
Archives Forums/MacOS X Discussion/Sandbox

TikiDays(Posted 2013) [#1]
I'm having trouble locating the correct place to store prefs, or access any locations for that mater. Was using

kApplicationSupportFolderType=Asc("a") Shl 24 | Asc("s") Shl 16 | Asc( "u") Shl 8 | Asc("p"),

This works fine with Sandbox disabled, but once Sandbox and the Entitlements are implemented this is no longer valid, appears to need


But I have no idea what the ASC codes are for this, or if its even possible to retrieve this in this manner. I'm not an XCoder.

It appears we have to store preferences within the App Bundle?

My App was designed to scan volumes, once again appears to be denied.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

TikiDays(Posted 2013) [#2]
Discovered that the Entitlement

allows me to set /Volumes/ for the user to be able to access their storage devices.

Whether Apple will allow this is another thing.

Still would like a how to on the Preferences location however.

TikiDays(Posted 2013) [#3]
You have to allow the user to select the directory, as suspected, and understandable Apple wont allow access to /Volumes/. No biggie.