MacOS X Discussion

forums.Archives.MacOS X Discussion

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Problem running MaxIDE on Sierrawidyakumara2RustyKristi (2016)
"Sierra"Tricky13Tricky (2016)
Audio error message after program endsRussell8Russell (2016)
Outdated update keeps haunting meTricky3Tricky (2016)
OSX and G-net ?cps4cps (2016)
[SOLVED] El Capitan MaxGUI runtime IssueChalky1Chalky (2016)
How to launch your app from and load a data file?TikiDays2Brucey (2016)
Working on a cut and paste integration with MacOSArowx8TikiDays (2016)
Max 1.51 XCode 7.2 Yosemite Textarea IssueChalky14Brucey (2015)
Java 1.7 ignoredTricky7Tricky (2015)
[SOLVED] Version Conflict in BlitzMax compilerTricky4Tricky (2015)
BlitzMax and El CapitanYasha5Yasha (2015)
Wine in shell script suddenly not foundTricky1Tricky (2015)
Upgrading to Yosemite a good idea?Tricky8Tricky (2015)
Mac OS X 10.10 compile BMX as 10.9?therevills3therevills (2015)
Still having problems with Mac OSXPhotonTom6PhotonTom (2015)
"Xcode agree" compile error - how to fixAdamStrange3dmaz (2015)
CanvasGraphics on OSX YosemiteChalky10skidracer (2015)
Building modules on Vbox.Richard Betson5Richard Betson (2015)
Compiling on VirtualBoxRichard Betson2Richard Betson (2015)
Mac OS X and JavaPhotonTom6Yasha (2015)
Any HowTo Sign and Pack for the Mac App Store?netmin_m3netmin_m (2015)
delayPanno5Panno (2014)
[SOLVED] A Small Favor To Asktime-killer-games14time-killer-games (2014)
Apple Swift, a new programming languageazrak5Calibrator (2014)
Building a dylib?markcw9markcw (2014)
Java and Mac issueTricky4azrak (2014)
Need help SandboxingTachyon5Derron (2014)
Unable to create applicaton directoryBill2463Brucey (2014)
Messed up hibernation mode. How do I get rid of itTricky1Tricky (2014)
Anyone had trouble running older builds on 10.9?Grey Alien19Brucey (2014)
Do you know anything about printers in MacOS 10.8?Tricky11Tricky (2013)
Mac OS X: Programm similar to MS PaintLukasha5JoshK (2013)
Discover native screen resolutionDannyD2xlsior (2013)
Video under Mac Os X ?DannyD9xlsior (2013)
HowTo detect CMD + Option + EscapeRavl6Kryzon (2013)
Blitzmax and Video ts streamMacSven1MacSven (2013)
OSX-ECLIPSE-STM32f4 ?preplasma1preplasma (2013)
SandboxTikiDays3TikiDays (2013)
I need to run PPC apps. Snow Leopard needed?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)12xlsior (2013)
Best way to compile for Mac OsX?Midimaster29Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013)
Sandboxing Apps?SLotman15Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013)
iTunes IAP?SLotman4ima747 (2013)
Copying a Mac App fileJoshK3JoshK (2013)
Google earth sooooo slow?!!?D4NM4N5D4NM4N (2013)
Build a Universal Binary (BlitzMax)Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)14Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013)
Lost focus after switching to window modeRavl2Ravl (2013)
Mouse remains "stuck" in window mode - please helpRavl3Ravl (2013)
Does SL 10.6.8 support Ivy Bridge?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)1Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2013)
Self-ejecting external USB drivesSystemError513ima747 (2012)
Fullscreen issue, application rejected on BFGRavl5AdamStrange (2012)
Programmatically create a .dmg file?JoshK6GaryV (2012)
How to close the game windowRavl13Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Creating a file system watcher for MacJoshK7JoshK (2012)
How to find Library pathRavl4GfK (2012)
GPU's for the insane (a.k.a. Mac Pro users like meima7474Corum (2012)
Which BlitzMax for OSX 10.5.8Raz11TaskMaster (2012)
Which versions of OSX should I keep for testing?Grey Alien15Grey Alien (2012)
Cannot compile the samplesRavl7Grey Alien (2012)
MacOS on TVTricky12DrDeath (2012)
Auto correctTricky3Tricky (2012)
Completely Lost!SLotman5SLotman (2012)
iAntivirus vs Sophos Home EditionCaptain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)1Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
So how can I rip a game minidisc? (GameCube)Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7andy_mc (2012)
TProcessMacSven7Yasha (2012)
App sandboxing in BM, any news?OscarBraindeaD9SLotman (2012)
An OS X <> Android transfer problemTricky10D4NM4N (2012)
mountain lion + blitz: how toAdamStrange12Tricky (2012)
build a dmg?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)3Tricky (2012)
Copy files from Mac to Windowsjsp3jsp (2012)
Black screen of death!D4NM4N2ima747 (2012)
PRP - Any known memory leak issues with BMX?Grisu2ima747 (2012)
Fresh OS X Lion install, needs more?Dinosorceror4Winni (2012)
Sandboxingima7475ima747 (2012)
Mac App Store renewalSLotman4ima747 (2012)
Best audio driver for MacCarlos4746Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
This looks fun!!!!Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)1Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly) (2012)
Uninstalling an App?Captain Wicker (crazy hillbilly)7MikeHart (2012)
Thoughts on Lion?ima74751SystemError51 (2012)
Mac App Store - BlitzMax?jhans0n29ima747 (2012)
File permissions under LionJazzieB4JazzieB (2012)
creating .a file for .dylibgman3JoshK (2012)
MAC Store submission: Invalid BinaryFredR15ima747 (2012)
Superdrive Communication error*5* (2012)
OSX Lion Error? (locked)Nigel Brown26skidracer (2011)
Show "unsupported" resolutions?Yasha1Yasha (2011)
Toolbar problem...SLotman4matt! (2011)
Upload to store with XCode 3.2.6OscarBraindeaD5ima747 (2011)
Altering BMKSLotman2ima747 (2011)
PowerPC problemTricky9Tricky (2011)
Mac-Developer-invitation-access weirdnesstaumel3taumel (2011)
BMax makes the fan turn on pretty fastChroma5JazzieB (2011)
Easiest way to create an application bundle?Captain Darius4Captain Darius (2011)
New Mac Mini (mid 2011)Brucey6ima747 (2011)
New Star Soccer 5 - Mac problemsiread18siread (2011)
Chaos DesktopExt module - Issue on OSX?Murilo3Murilo (2011)
Terrain editor for Mac OS XHey You In the Bushes3Dabhand (2011)
I am starting to hate MacsGfK5GfK (2011)
Logitech G9X on a Mactaumel1taumel (2011)
Reinstalling Snow LeopardGfK6Qube (2011)
Lion/Snow Leopard testGfK3Neuro (2011)
Showing hidden taskbar app?Who was John Galt?3Who was John Galt? (2011)
MaxIDE on Lionjhans0n13puredave (2011)
I think i am done with OSX as a "professional" OSD4NM4N21ima747 (2011)
Building a library in Xcode for use with BlitzMaxJoshK4JoshK (2011)
Game finished, enrolled in mac store... and now?OscarBraindeaD9amando (2011)
FinderD4NM4N21ima747 (2011)
This is driving me nuts!!!!D4NM4N11D4NM4N (2011)
Mac OSX: Linux in a fancy tuxedo!Russell29ima747 (2011)
Where to market finished Mac games?OscarBraindeaD6Winni (2011)
How to sign blitzmax .apps for mac appstore :]Robert Cummings60SLotman (2011)
Proper location for shared files & AppStoreJazzieB20Grey Alien (2011)
Large images on OSX?JoshK4Yasha (2011)
Quit menu with MaxGUI?JoshK2JoshK (2011)
OSX WiFi*22ima747 (2011)
Does anyone know a good paint program?Bill24618D4NM4N (2011)
Mulitple SDK installed, which one is used?JazzieB3JazzieB (2011)
Why can i not tether?D4NM4N2ima747 (2011)
My apps were rejectedGrey Alien61Grey Alien (2011)
productbuild chaning permissions on resources probjkrankie10SLotman (2011)
A word of warning about XCode 4ima7474Gabriel (2011)
7z... is it so much to ask for?Tricky7ima747 (2011)
Strange error!SLotman2SLotman (2011)
Minimizing window problemSLotman9Grey Alien (2011)
Mac and the App StoreSLotman11SLotman (2011)
Strange Issues (Mouse(?))therevills5therevills (2010)
Compile on the mac for mac ?Vampyre5Winni (2010)
Time Machine and BlitzMax problem..Im not called nick!6ima747 (2010)
Steamsiread4siread (2010)
NSImage -> TPixmapMe.323degac (2010)
Good C64 emulator for Snow Leopard?Who was John Galt?8Pengwin (2010)
Some DVDs don't play?Who was John Galt?8xlsior (2010)
How to associate .bmx files with MaxIDE..?BachFire19William Drescher (2010)
Pocket Radio Player - MacOS port released!Grisu1Grisu (2010)
snow leo how to find ip adress from ....Panno4Me.32 (2010)
Mac webcam interfacing with BlitzMaxWilliam Drescher2Difference (2010)
Which one is better, VMWare Fusion or Parallels?taumel11taumel (2010)
Video Editing SoftwareWilliam Drescher3Im not called nick! (2010)
External DebuggerPengwin7Pengwin (2010)
Gamepads and joysticksOddball4jkrankie (2010)
Alternative to ETNA on OSX?Sokurah4Sokurah (2010)
__NSAutoreleaseNoPool() - just leakingDifference7Difference (2010)
How to convert NSString to BMax stringMe.323plash (2010)
How to Append Data to an APP ?Panno4ImaginaryHuman (2010)
Howto Read my own APP ?Panno2Difference (2010)
Calling NSApplication.requestUserAttention?Blueapples3d-bug (2010)
appArgs under Mac OSMe.325Me.32 (2010)
Accessing the KeychainQueller8Murilo (2010)
MenuFantomKite4Murilo (2010)
How to create a Universal Binary.Kemi3xlsior (2010)
Which version of BlitzMax is for sale?Bill2464squest (2009)
The Dim commandSeb675Brucey (2009)
Where to upload mac games?MGE7Seb67 (2009)
Complete Mac noob - setting file associations...matibee3matibee (2009)
OpenAl-Problem on MACMidimaster3Midimaster (2009)
hide resourcesFantomKite14Brucey (2009)
Cmd + Opt + Esc problemTrionWork2William Drescher (2009)
to .dmg or to .zipcoffeedotbean11Brucey (2009)
Parallels 5Brucey14Difference (2009)
How to Applescript BlitzMax App?Difference12Difference (2009)
Get path to the user's home folder?DrDeath17Winni (2009)
Full screen problem, no function cmd+tabTrionWork1TrionWork (2009)
Snow Leopard SVN in Finder - FIrst solutionDifference4Difference (2009)
Savegame locationzambani4* (2009)
Multi-touch Mouse Paddaaan2ImaginaryHuman (2009)
streams on PPCJur3Jur (2009)
Graphics command (fullscreen)Beaker5Brucey (2009)
compressing a modulePete Rigz5Pete Rigz (2009)
blitzmax - problem with linkingChaosCoder3markcw (2009)
Loading an image fontWilliam Drescher2Brucey (2009)
BlitzMax and Snow LeopardDrDeath4DrDeath (2009)
Problems with compiling appsWilliam Drescher3William Drescher (2009)
My app aborts system restartzambani6William Drescher (2009)
vmware fusion 2.0Panno4B (2009)
BM program not refused to open internet connectionexplosive3explosive (2009)
VMWare Fusion & OSX 10.5.7Redspark5Redspark (2009)
Chaos ModuleMacSven3MacSven (2009)
How to correctly distribute software in Mac ?Armitage 19825Corum (2009)
Window gadget choices (locked)Queller1Queller (2009)
Controll iTunes via CMe.324DrDeath (2009)
PPC testing required - Please :-)Brucey10markcw (2009)
minimize fullscreenMe.321Me.32 (2009)
BlitzMax and Mail from AppleMacSven7Ratchet (2009)
Bootcamp vs. Virtual MachineTricky9Tricky (2009)
Save a inbin fileMacSven6Tricky (2009)
Installing BlitzMax from SVNWinni9impixi (2009)
Compiling my moduleMacSven4Brucey (2009)
Almost time to upgrade my Mini!Brucey20Manromen (2009)
Died MacTricky5Tricky (2009)
clipboard on Mac OS XMe.324Me.32 (2009)
Iphone SDK DownloadNaughty Alien8wedoe (2009)
Mac G3 - is it good enough to make Mac games?anawiki21therevills (2009)
opendialog requestfile$Warner3Brucey (2009)
Spinning Progbar (locked)MacSven1MacSven (2009)
How to unregister Filetype-Extension?maverick693maverick69 (2009)
Porting from Win 32 - Newbie issues...Grisu9Brucey (2009)
Max IDEu2o3u2o (2009)
New to Macs - looking for image editorubergeek12JaviCervera (2009)
New to Mac - how to install max3d Step by StepPanno1Panno (2009)
image fonts on mac OSX broken?Alexandre3Alexandre (2008)
Parallels Desktop 4Brucey5MikeHart (2008)
English MenuRalf618d-bug (2008)
Old XCodesboomboom4Retro (2008)
TreeView IconsRalf611Ralf61 (2008)
Fullscreen as default?anawiki13MacSven (2008)
WindowMacSven3MacSven (2008)
Framework assistant behaviour...Sledge1Sledge (2008)
Wallpaper on a Mac ?Pingus2Ratchet (2008)
Start a bash file from GUIdegac3degac (2008)
BMax IDE - keeps crashingQuietBloke8QuietBloke (2008)
New Mac Mini - A little confused with ZIP filesMurilo10MikeHart (2008)
Weird problem with Macmail on Leopardmrtricks2MrTAToad (2008)
fasm2as seems to be missing 1.30 PPCrobw1robw (2008)
User directory in MacOS BMaxTricky10Manromen (2008)
Macbook Startup ProblemQuickSilva4QuickSilva (2008)
Starting a program on Mac OSBlueapples5Blueapples (2008)
compiling: how to select target platform ?Manromen2Winni (2008)
Is it worth installing Windows XP?ImaginaryHuman10ImaginaryHuman (2008)
Triple Boot iMac with BlitzMaxImaginaryHuman3ImaginaryHuman (2008)
NSS4 Please Testsiread4siread (2008)
Help Compiling on the MacGlen15siread (2008)
RequestfileMacSven9MacSven (2008)
GrrrrowlBrucey4Brucey (2008)
Parallels DesktopImaginaryHuman4Dreamora (2008)
Blitzmax on iphone/ipod touch?Dud9z80jim (2008)
Partitioning a new Intel iMac OSX/Windows/LinuxImaginaryHuman25ImaginaryHuman (2008)
My program doesn't work on PPCWarner6Warner (2008)
Please help compiling on MacWarner1Warner (2008)
Apple WebKitMacSven5MacSven (2008)
MacOS X MenuMacSven4MacSven (2008)
Mac Test neededCartman4Dirk Krause (2008)
My toast's burned!mrtricks2Winni (2008)
LeopardWinni13Winni (2008)
Getting FAT32/NTFS Read/Writable?Genexi23Tricky (2007)
Type/Creator codeMrTAToad1MrTAToad (2007)
LongMacSven5Brucey (2007)
1.26 Update corruptNigel Brown7MacSven (2007)
Freelancer JobMurphy1Murphy (2007)
Any good Mac guides?Genexi211eni (2007)
Time Restricting a game on the MacCartman3Cartman (2007)
BlitzMax and Leopard (10.5)TikiDays11Garfield (2007)
how to wakeup a sleeping mac ?Gnasher7Gnasher (2007)
October 26thGenexi28MrTAToad (2007)
GL Graphics crashNigel Brown6dawlane (2007)
BlitzMaxMacSven2DavidDC (2007)
What to do if your Mac HDD crashes?anawiki9D4NM4N (2007)
Need help!MacSven3MacSven (2007)
Framework Assistant v2.08 for Intel+PPCEOF4MacSven (2007)
BlitzMax - fasm2as doesn't existdeakster4Pao Hang (2007)
multiselect file requestordmaz1dmaz (2007)
dylib compiling?iprice3iprice (2007)
Anyone Used AquaticPrime to protect their Mac gameCartman6pls (2007)
Intel Mac Software - lack of?ImaginaryHuman4pls (2007)
php IDE for MacOS XTricky10Tricky (2007)
SpecialFolderTricky4Tricky (2007)
Universal binaries and incbin - little problem!JazzieB4Banshee (2007)
Compile both PowerPC and Intel binary solution?Tachyon20ImaginaryHuman (2007)
Problem Syncronising BMaxMacSven3MrTAToad (2007)
How to change dmg icon?anawiki2Nigel Brown (2007)
System Administrator PasswordBanshee18Banshee (2007)
How to bundle your resources into the app?anawiki2JazzieB (2007)
Retrieving location of Documents and Shared dirsJazzieB11JazzieB (2007)
Joysticks?ima74710ima747 (2007)
Good place to look at Macs?Genexi23ragtag (2007)
GetAsyncKeyState() but for OS X?SebHoll4ima747 (2007)
10.5MrTAToad3MrTAToad (2007)
Using Help ViewerNigel Brown1Nigel Brown (2007)
BMax does not work on my MacBookMRaven2MRaven (2007)
Can't get a Blitzmax Game to run?(tu) ENAY7JazzieB (2007)
TextMateryanmsmith2Brucey (2007)
Help TagsNigel Brown8Nigel Brown (2007)
WindowRefNigel Brown2Brucey (2007)
Cocoa on CarbonBrucey1Brucey (2007)
Cannot Compile on Intel MacSebHoll4Winni (2007)
Compile Errpr 76 in bmp_cod.c ?deakster2skidracer (2007)
Can anyone help me with this Objective-C?SebHoll7SebHoll (2007)
need help running bashskidracer2Brucey (2007)
RequestFont and RequestPath tweeksskidracer1skidracer (2007)
BMax apps that aren't on the doc?Banshee11Brucey (2007)
Can't figure out MacsAlexZ3AlexZ (2007)
HTML - HREF and local mac filesEOF1EOF (2007)
Boot Camp - Windows on a Macbook - sound problems?mrtricks8mrtricks (2007)
Silly spotlight questions...marksibly2Brucey (2007)
I pitty Windows Vista users, and here's why...bregors43Tricky (2007)
Stability of Mac version of Blitz IDE?MadCat1310Brucey (2006)
Strange Paste Behaviour in IDE -Am I the only one?ghislain2Tricky (2006)
MacGuinea pig wanted...bregors12Rook Zimbabwe (2006)
Buttons on Canvas don't workNigel Brown8Rook Zimbabwe (2006)
Blitzmax and universal binaries HOWTOpls10Nigel Brown (2006)
Promote the Mac forumDannyD15Banshee (2006)
Minimum MacOS versionTachyon6Banshee (2006)
Mac OS X and Trolltech's Qt...bregors1bregors (2006)
iDevGames Launches 3DU: 3D Game Development ContesLeisureSuitLurie1LeisureSuitLurie (2006)
BlitzMax on Mac hardwareTachyon4Tachyon (2006)
Using Max code in XCodeImaginaryHuman15ImaginaryHuman (2006)
State of Alternative IDEs?ryanmsmith6ImaginaryHuman (2006)
Screenshots of Mac OS X DesktopSebHoll2ImaginaryHuman (2006)
Mac menu bar?MadCat136Tricky (2006)
Calling APIBlueapples7Blueapples (2006)
how to create sprite in open gl??LESTROSO7LESTROSO (2006)
Including assembly queryDannyD5ImaginaryHuman (2006)
Any Ideas?Nigel Brown1Nigel Brown (2006)
Paint program?Fry Crayola9xlsior (2006)
HD-DVD or Blu-Ray, which will Apple use?WedgeBob14Winni (2006)
IBook G3 question*11* (2006)
OS X API Calls?Garrett12Brucey (2006)
Minimum hardware requirement ?Pingus10Pingus (2006)
InstallerNigel Brown3Winni (2006)
Get list of drives? And.....Garrett7Garrett (2006)
List of highlight commands on mac?ozak3jkrankie (2006)
Need some help with df and mount on OS XGarrett5Garrett (2006)
Can Someone Explain What This MeansSebHoll6skidracer (2006)
Utility WindowsSebHoll2Garrett (2006)
no clue about MACscloned36Scott Shaver (2006)
RemBrowser: OS X image viewerremz2Winni (2006)
Additional Button Styles for OS XGarrett1Garrett (2006)
Linux on the MacImaginaryHuman15Winni (2006)
Open .icns files for use?Garrett1Garrett (2006)
Registering a file type or extensionremz7Garrett (2006)
BlitzMax and Universal Binary - Status?Garrett1Garrett (2006)
Timers don't work in Modal windowBrucey4ziggy (2006)
Get Tiger or wait for LeopardScott Shaver5Scott Shaver (2006)
Open with Blitzmax 'Change all' broken?remz8remz (2006)
Mac copy of a Blitz appremz10Brucey (2006)
Can't open two blitzmax apps at the same timeozak7remz (2006)
Packaging App properlyTartanTangerine (was Indiepath)7SebHoll (2006)
MacPro is outsidemorszeck2Retro (2006)
Leopard Core Animationragtag3ragtag (2006)
Using FMOD moduleJazzieB7DannyD (2006)
Sound problem. Probably an error in QuicktimeTricky1Tricky (2006)
How to set window metal style with MaxGui???LESTROSO6Brucey (2006)
strange error...degac4degac (2006)
Playing a QuickTime movie?-Svensken-6ozak (2006)
b3d files on MacJay Kyburz3simonh (2006)
Fmod : Mac detailsDannyD4DannyD (2006)
IDE options on OS Xozak10ImaginaryHuman (2006)
Linking to dylibBrucey4TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2006)
XCode 2.3?jhans0n5taumel (2006)
Launching an external mac programEOF6WendellM (2006)
Feature request: Compiler directives...pls6Brucey (2006)
Registry StuffTartanTangerine (was Indiepath)6TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2006)
used mac mini for sale?gman6taumel (2006)
BlitzMax Audio ProjectRexRhino3RexRhino (2006)
I'm at a loss about this intel business.Tricky9pls (2006)
xCode 2.1 - Universal BinaryTartanTangerine (was Indiepath)19pls (2006)
osx ppc,x86,usbtaumel4taumel (2006)
Jide - Yet another IDE for BlitzMaxJay Kyburz3Jay Kyburz (2006)
A Few Basic Mac QuestionsSebHoll5Tricky (2006)
test: dancingplobb macSpot-Nothing4RiK (2006)
This is slow...taumel3taumel (2006)
intel mac adviceChris C4xlsior (2006)
Mac on PCJono16Winni (2006)
bMax updates problemEmmett3WendellM (2006)
malformed objectgman14Will (2006)
Crossplatform module playingREDi1REDi (2006)
lib files and MacOSgman8gman (2006)
help with firmware upgradegman9gman (2006)
xcode for 10.3gman4gman (2006)
[Mac Newbee]degac1degac (2006)
OSX API Guru Required.TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)4TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2006)
1.16 build problemalligator1alligator (2006)
Copying an .app using BMaxTricky3Tricky (2006)
Intel Core DuoNigel Brown2xlsior (2006)
Mac to PC networkingJazzieB11degac (2006)
Help! Problem mounting external HDmrtricks5mrtricks (2006)
BMax spins on launchDave Mac6Dave Mac (2006)
Speech Module: anyone having problems ?DannyD1DannyD (2006)
New iBook, some questions...JazzieB6JazzieB (2005)
Should I expect problems compiling BMX game on Macanawiki3ImaginaryHuman (2005)
SetGadgetShapeBrucey2Brucey (2005)
CTRL ALT DEL?TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)3TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2005)
OMG Cup Entry: IgorLeisureSuitLurie7LeisureSuitLurie (2005)
MaxGUI RequestFont appearance?WendellM6WendellM (2005)
UNIX WildcardsTricky3Tricky (2005)
Security Package for MacTricky5Tricky (2005)
BlitzMax IDE: TextWrangler/BBEdit pluginSJB5Tricky (2005)
Ubuntu on the miniMactaumel1taumel (2005)
File packertaumel2Tricky (2005)
Any known issues with lists in Max?Who was John Galt?4Who was John Galt? (2005)
The OMG Cup: A Mac Game Programming ContestLeisureSuitLurie3Will (2005)
Executable PackersTricky15Tricky (2005)
Using an .icns fileblacknite21Tricky (2005)
Security WrappersTartanTangerine (was Indiepath)1TartanTangerine (was Indiepath) (2005)
Screen spanning on iBookWarren5Warren (2005)
Of mice and men.Sledge1Sledge (2005)
Darwin Terminal QuestionTricky6Tricky (2005)
Can you remove my hesitation?Tricky53Hotcakes (2005)
Macos X : BlitzMax debugger : New one neededDannyD9LarsG (2005)
cut&paste results in lots of commentsDannyD3Koekelas (2005)
.sit - What must I do with that?Tricky8Tricky (2005)
Request to Authors: Make IDE Open Source?AarbronBeast8Hotcakes (2005)
FMOD ex: Port from Winodws Module to Macos XDannyD5Robert Cummings (2005)
suggestions for baseline macgman8DannyD (2005)
SUBEthaEditJay Kyburz1Jay Kyburz (2005)
New to Mac - Ctrl-Alt-DelJay Kyburz9Robert Cummings (2005)
Joystickssmilertoo2Who was John Galt? (2005)
F1 Quick helpsmilertoo4smilertoo (2005)
Upload Screen ShotMacSven5MacSven (2005)
bmax and mac miniPanno10Filax (2005)
Mac Demo competition : Showcase your blitz talentDannyD3DannyD (2005)
Interesting little alternative IDELeisureSuitLurie15DannyD (2005)
Anyone tried running max under VPC?RiK8Koekelas (2005)
Intel MacNigelC10Koekelas (2005)
Can't change name of applications?!?!?! (locked)Najdorf1Najdorf (2005)
OS X IDEJay Kyburz9Jay Kyburz (2005)
DUBUGGER?Jay Kyburz6Koekelas (2005)
ld ProblemN13N (2005)
File associationsWho was John Galt?3Who was John Galt? (2005)
Any Current Projects?Sakamoto3jkrankie (2005)
How does Tiger compare to Panther?Who was John Galt?3Who was John Galt? (2005)
My bmax game seems not to run under TigerMRaven10SpiritWnd (2005)
Capturing videoKoekelas9Koekelas (2005)
Can't compile anything on MacJeroen8bobbo (2005)
Blitz Max problems on Dual Head iLampJohn-D2ImaginaryHuman (2005)
Font not loading??KamaShin4KamaShin (2005)
Connecting Mac to wireless PC networkWho was John Galt?5Who was John Galt? (2005)
Using a JoystickWho was John Galt?7Who was John Galt? (2005)
Cherry OSRook Zimbabwe3Bug Face (2005)
Is Anyone Having Trouble With The Demo?Red Ocktober10Red Ocktober (2005)
AARGH! Disappearing modulesWho was John Galt?1Who was John Galt? (2005)
GraphicConverterEmmett2ImaginaryHuman (2005)
Can bitmap format be used on the mac?JoJo3ImaginaryHuman (2005)
Looks Like 'Max For Mac + Win...Red Ocktober1Red Ocktober (2005)
Ready for Primetime?John-D10LeisureSuitLurie (2005)
screen capture utilityPavlov10Brucey (2005)
PC files -> Mac?Who was John Galt?9TLM (2005)
OS X 10.3.8 out...BlitzSupport6Loonie (2005)
Mac MiniRiK98LarsG (2005)
dont buy mini 1.42 ;)Panno7Loonie (2005)
What ISP?Amon_old5jkrankie (2005)
C++ compiler for Mac Os X?Who was John Galt?10SJB (2005)
Setting Environment Variables for the bmk toolBooticus1Booticus (2005)
BlitzBuddy v1.3 releasedSJB4Richard B (2005)
Certain keys not recognizedDiordna3TeaVirus (2005)
Free TextWrangler editor and BlitzBuddySJB15Richard B (2005)
Debugger OSXNathan5Nathan (2005)
Accessing osX API's?ImaginaryHuman2Perturbatio (2005)
BlitzBuddy v1.1SJB7Koekelas (2005)
BlitzBuddy v1.0SJB11skidracer (2005)
Compile Partner.Paul "Taiphoz"9Booticus (2005)
Using BBEdit to develop BlitzMax appsSJB10Richard B (2005)
Creating an app for distributionzeedoktor18SJB (2005)
Mac specsKanati26Kanati (2004)
How to change dir to $HOME?Phish5marksibly (2004)
help key cmd-F1Richard B9Kanati (2004)
CrudKanati14Hotcakes (2004)
Trouble with soundfilesMRaven5Perturbatio (2004)
Ibook performanceImaginaryHuman9ImaginaryHuman (2004)
How does Max2D work?ImaginaryHuman9podperson (2004)
Many thanks.Richard B4Hotcakes (2004)
Anyone using emacs with BlitzMax (locked)ragtag0Nobody (-0001)