unhandled memory exception (maxgui)

Archives Forums/Linux Discussion/unhandled memory exception (maxgui)

WildStorm(Posted 2009) [#1]
hi, i get on this line: Global mg_mainWindow:TGadget = CreateWindow(" sdf", 200,200,320,240)
an unhandled memory exception error without further explanation (even in debug mode). have you any ideas?

i'm running ubuntu 9.04 64bit

Import MaxGUI.MaxGUI


Global fh_filedatabase:TStream = OpenFile("bu.db")
Global fh_config:TStream = OpenFile("config.cfg")

Global mg_mainWindow:TGadget = CreateWindow(" sdf", 200,200,320,240)


Tricky(Posted 2009) [#2]
You're sure it's the windowcreation that causes this error, as I've had errors like these a lot in the file system lately? So the evil one could be there. For the rest I don't see why this code shouldn't work.

I tried your code on MacOS X Leopard.
It doesn't work there either, and I see it marks the CreateWindow. I'm trying to figure this one out.... Just a moment

Tricky(Posted 2009) [#3]
Found the error.....

Import MaxGUI.MaxGUI

Import MaxGUI.Drivers

That should fix this error on all platforms...