Just got me an acer aspire one

Archives Forums/Linux Discussion/Just got me an acer aspire one

D4NM4N(Posted 2008) [#1]
Its quite cool, well worth the 179 quid i paid for it (new). Its slightly larger (1 inch longer) than the eeePC 901 but same height & depth. It is a bit faster and has a better kbd & screen (mousepad is small though).

I did try installing ubuntu and it ran -alright- (needed an updated madwifi driver) however, it was not as 'nice' in the fact it took twice longer to boot (12-16 secs instead of 8) and took up too much of the 8GB solid state.
So i switched back.

I did not realise it before but the mini "linpus lite linux" is really a version of fedora werewolf in disguise (so has much more potential than the EeePC's horrid xandros thing).

It can be easily 'opened up' by going to: "alt+f2", type "terminal", type "xfce-setting-show" then turn on the system menu in desktop settings. This gives you easy right-click access to the xfce menu and fedora package manager, filemang., terminal etc to start loading in those softwares.

...Still trying to hack out the stupid fisher price desktop and get it back to the proper XFCE desktop though :/