Anyone got a fix for the help?

Archives Forums/Linux Discussion/Anyone got a fix for the help?

D4NM4N(Posted 2006) [#1]
Anyone know whars up with the help in blitz, all the chars are 1 on top of the other with no gfx.

Im currently using firefox as a second window but thats really annoying,

Brucey(Posted 2006) [#2]
I'm afraid the FLTK html gadget doesn't support much in the way of HTML standards, which is why you can't read any of the docs within the IDE.

D4NM4N(Posted 2006) [#3]
grr, that means i have to use my windows pc to code on. I hate it when i cant use F1F1 on a command.

Brucey(Posted 2006) [#4]
There's a GTK version of Max GUI available, which can use either the gtkhtml or mozilla widgets to view HTML.

It's a replacement for FLTK, meaning that you simply change the gui import/framework for an app, and recompile.

The IDE runs great in GTK - in fact because FLTK was so limiting (not everything works, like the HTML gadget for example), it was the reason I made it.

You can download the GTK module via syncmods (from the bin dir) :
./syncmods -u yourname -p yourpassword bah.gtkmaxgui

For the IDE, you will also need an HTML gadget implementation. I recommend the mozilla one over gtkhtml. The only issue is that the mozilla one can be a bit fiddly to get setup correctly (once it is tho, you'll never look back!)

Mozilla HTML gadget:
./syncmods -u yourname -p yourpassword bah.gtkwebmozilla

gtkhtml HTML gadget:
./syncmods -u yourname -p yourpassword bah.gtkwebgtkhtml

To use it in the IDE, comment out the import for FLTK, and replace with :
Import BaH.GTKMaxGUI
Import BaH.GTKWebMozilla

Notes :
The Mozilla module assumes your firefox is installed in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox
If this isn't the case you'll need to tweak the mozilla module code and rebuild the module.
On some systems, this is where it is installed. On others, it is in /usr/lib/firefox.
When you find out which, you will also need to run once, a command :
ldconfig /path/to/firefox

which add the firefox libs to the linux library path (so apps know where to find them)

It may seem like a lot to go thru, but once it is working, you'll probably only ever see the FLTK look when you next run the Max updater ;-)

...geez... maybe I should write a proper HOWTO...

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#5]
Brucey, we'll host the binary if you can't.

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2006) [#6]
And if you send me a version compiled against the Community Edition code, I'll pop that on