Linux: MaxIDE v1.12

Archives Forums/Linux Discussion/Linux: MaxIDE v1.12

JazzieB(Posted 2005) [#1]

I've just downloaded version 1.12 of BlitzMax (including MaxGUI) and under my Linux set up the IDE doesn't start at all - nothing appears to happen when I click on the icon. The issue is the same as experienced in the following thread, so may be related.

I've tried installing it in both my Home and Root folder, made sure that the program is executable and it was installed in a separate folder to that of v1.10.

So, two things...

1. Any ideas what the issue is with the new IDE under Linux (MEPIS, Kernel 2.6, and KDE desktop)?

2. Is there a way of using the IDE from v1.10? I've tried changing the modserver to modserver112, but that doesn't work (no surprises there, I guess).

Any help greatly appreciated.

skidracer(Posted 2005) [#2]
Yes, the 1.10 IDE should work fine, it needs to be copied into your /blitzmax 1.12 directory I would rename it MaxIDE1.10 before moving.

If that doesn't work you need to check the permissions of the 1.12 binaries, go to a terminal, cd to 1.12's bitzmax/bin folder and type


Which will test the blitzmax compiler and if successful print a version, and if not hopefully an error message about permissions which you need to deal with

then back up a directory (cd ..) and type ./MaxIDE which will test the 1.12 IDE and again hopefully you will be treated to an informative error message which may help you to proceed.

JazzieB(Posted 2005) [#3]
Copied the IDE for v1.10 into the v1.12 folder and renamed as suggested. However, it doesn't seem to work OK. The following simple program...
Graphics 640,480

While Not KeyHit(key_escape)
	DrawText MilliSecs(),300,200

...resulted in the following compile error...

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lasound
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Checking bcc worked and resulted in the version number being displayed. However, doing the same with MaxIDE gave the following error...

./MaxIDE: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm not sure how to continue, as I'm no expert with Linux.

skidracer(Posted 2005) [#4]
Well at least you've obviously got the hang of the linux command line so time not totally wasted!

You now need to install some third party libs, and because of the millions of versions of linux out there, and the fact you have chosen one I have never heard of before I'll hand you back to the community....

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2005) [#5]
Do you have sound output in Linux at all? It looks like a sound lib of some form that is missing...I think I had to install ALSA sound driver stuff (no linux expert myself!)

JazzieB(Posted 2005) [#6]
Version 1.10 of BlitzMax was installed and running without any problems at all (apart from a couple of full-screen apps crashing the system on exit - another issue altogether though). All I've done is download v1.12 and installed to a completely new folder, tried to run the new MaxIDE, which fails to run at all, and then copied the v1.10 IDE over to the new folder, which then doesn't seem to want to compile.

I came to the same conclusion about the sound, but this was working before. I'm assuming it's just something to do with trying to use v1.10 IDE with v1.12 llbs/mods, etc.

FlameDuck(Posted 2005) [#7]
As far as I can tall, MEPIS is a debian variant, from memory the two packages you'll need are called libasound2-dev and x-dev respectively.

I haven't got MEPIS installed here, but try typing
apt-get install libasound2-dev
in a console, and afterwards
apt-get install x-dev
that should set you up with any packages you need, and allow you to use Max 1.12 "out-of-the-box" so to speak.

Filax(Posted 2005) [#8]
Here is some informations :

My previous message about IDE start :

"Under console the max ide say :
Missing shared library ??????
Under KPackage i have find that this lib come from
the debian apt package, but this packaghe is already
installed ?? how i can change this ? please help :/"

The solution (for me and my machine)

"I have find this fuc... package, if some users have this
problem download this :
And with kpackage (File/Open) and uncheck 'check dependency'
And only after this blitzmax release want run :)"

JazzieB(Posted 2005) [#9]
Ok guys, I'm finally up and running again. Had a problem with MEPIS, which simply would not install again without losing all my display devices, so decided to give Ubuntu another go. I've now got 5.10 installed and after downloading several packages I now have v1.12 of BlitzMax running well. Thanks for all the advice in this thread, as it aided me getting everything running (as did the sticky HOWTO thread at the top of this forum).

The latest version of BlitzMax also seems to have resolved the previous issue I was having with full-screen apps crashing on exit, but you'll see a thread about that later today for you guys to test and put my mind at rest.

Thanks peeps!