No mouseenter mouseleave events [Linux]

Archives Forums/BlitzMax Bug Reports/No mouseenter mouseleave events [Linux]

markcw(Posted 2011) [#1]
This is in response to a post here where mouseenter mouseleave events don't work in linux.

Just comment the 2 lines saying "comment this line to test mouseenter/leave bug". You should see a value of 1 for 'inWindow' and 2 added to 'mouseadd' every time the mouse enters the window.

Also, a PollSystem was needed just before Flip for the screen to update in linux. MoveMouse seems to be the cause.

I have ubuntu 10.4 lucid, with max 1.45.
Local ScreenWidth:Int = 240, ScreenHeight:Int = 320
Graphics ScreenWidth*2, ScreenHeight*2
SetVirtualResolution ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight

Local myX:Int, myY:Int
Local CenterX:Int = ScreenWidth / 2
Local CenterY:Int = ScreenHeight / 2
Local inWindow:Int = False, mouseadd:Int ' bug in linux: mouseadd should add 2 when move mouse into window
MoveMouse CenterX, CenterY
HideMouse() ' comment this line to test mouseenter/leave bug

While Not KeyDown (KEY_ESCAPE)
	DrawText inWindow+" "+mouseadd+" "+myX+" "+myY,0,0 ' debug text

	Select WaitEvent()
	End Select
	Select EventID()
		inWindow = False
		inWindow = True
	End Select
'	If (inWindow) Then
		myX:+(MouseX() - CenterX)
		myY:+(MouseY() - CenterY)
		MoveMouse CenterX, CenterY ' comment this line to test mouseenter/leave bug
'	EndIf

	If myX < 0 Then myX = 0
	If myX > ScreenWidth - 1 Then myX = ScreenWidth - 1
	If myY < 0 Then myY = 0
	If myY > ScreenHeight - 1 Then myY = ScreenHeight - 1

	SetColor 0, 255, 0
	DrawRect myX - 10, myY - 10, 20, 20
	SetColor 255, 255, 255
	Plot myX, myY
	PollSystem() ' needed just before flip in linux to update screen

Last edited 2011

Last edited 2011

matt!(Posted 2011) [#2]
Thanks for reporting this mark