Missing appstub import (Threaded)

Archives Forums/BlitzMax Bug Reports/Missing appstub import (Threaded)

mpmxyz(Posted 2010) [#1]
I've written a small test for some code and when I compiled it I just got this message:
Building Appstub-Bug
flat assembler  version 1.68  (388884 kilobytes memory)
3 passes, 453 bytes.
C:/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/appstub.mod/appstub.debug.mt.win32.x86.a(debugger_mt.stdio.bmx.debug.mt.win32.x86.o): undefined reference to `threads_AllocThreadData'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/appstub.mod/appstub.debug.mt.win32.x86.a(debugger_mt.stdio.bmx.debug.mt.win32.x86.o): undefined reference to `threads_GetThreadData'
C:/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/appstub.mod/appstub.debug.mt.win32.x86.a(debugger_mt.stdio.bmx.debug.mt.win32.x86.o): undefined reference to `threads_SetThreadData'
Build Error: Failed to link C:/Users/****/Tests/Appstub-Bug.debug.mt.exe
Process complete

As you may have seen I used the debug mode and the threaded mode.
Deactivating one of them makes everything running without an error.
I've been able to create a short example where the error appears:
Framework brl.Blitz
'Import brl.Threads

If you uncomment the second line the error also disappears:
Have you forgot to import the thread module for your new debugger, Mark Sibly? ;-)

SebHoll(Posted 2010) [#2]
I'm also getting this error with BMax 1.40 on Mac OS X 10.6 when I try and build the IDE with threaded build on:

Building maxide
Undefined symbols:
  "_threads_GetThreadData", referenced from:
      _444 in appstub.debug.mt.macos.x86.a(debugger_mt.stdio.bmx.debug.mt.macos.x86.o)
  "_threads_AllocThreadData", referenced from:
      _442 in appstub.debug.mt.macos.x86.a(debugger_mt.stdio.bmx.debug.mt.macos.x86.o)
  "_threads_SetThreadData", referenced from:
      _444 in appstub.debug.mt.macos.x86.a(debugger_mt.stdio.bmx.debug.mt.macos.x86.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Build Error: Failed to link /Applications/BlitzMax/src/maxide/maxide.debug.mt.app/Contents/MacOS/maxide.debug.mt
Process complete
A "Rebuild All Modules" doesn't seem to have any effect either.