a sticky keydown() and polleven() issue....

Archives Forums/BlitzMax Bug Reports/a sticky keydown() and polleven() issue....

Space Fractal(Posted 2010) [#1]
I have got a sticky keydown() and pollevent() issue, when I use something like this;

I have 2 windows in my applications, one with the main graphics and one which open a video in a html gadget.

If I press a key in while under open the html gadget, then key handler might never register a keyup event (keydown works), which is really annoyring.

The only work around on this bug is using a keyboard system hook directly (I known that exists that command, but dont remember that etc and have not search very well yet), that dont use these functions to check if none keys is present, and then reset all keys or not (hence eventuelly differ on scancodes would not have a effect).

Also this ONLY happens if you use more than one window and eventuelt usinh html gadget and such on a another window. So its a rarly case for most.

PS. This diddent work and might still have a sticked key:

For Local i=0 To 255
	If KeyHit(i)>0 Then Print i

and FlushKeys() did also not work in this case.

marksibly(Posted 2010) [#2]

Please post some runnable sample code.