Enet peer address and port

Archives Forums/BlitzMax Bug Reports/Enet peer address and port

JoshK(Posted 2009) [#1]
Here are the correct offsets:
Function enet_host_port:Int( peer:Byte Ptr  )
	Local ip:Int=(Int Ptr peer)[1]
	Local port:Int=(Short Ptr peer)[4]
	ip=(ip Shr 24) | (ip Shr 8 & $ff00) | (ip Shl 8 & $ff0000) | (ip Shl 24)
	Return port

Function enet_host_ip:Int( peer:Byte Ptr  )
	Local ip:Int=(Int Ptr peer)[1]
	Local port:Int=(Short Ptr peer)[4]
	ip=(ip Shr 24) | (ip Shr 8 & $ff00) | (ip Shl 8 & $ff0000) | (ip Shl 24)
	Return ip

Function enet_peer_port:Int( peer:Byte Ptr  )
	Local ip:Int=(Int Ptr peer)[3]
	Local port:Int=(Short Ptr peer)[8]
	ip=(ip Shr 24) | (ip Shr 8 & $ff00) | (ip Shl 8 & $ff0000) | (ip Shl 24)
	Return port

Function enet_peer_ip:Int( peer:Byte Ptr  )
	Local ip:Int=(Int Ptr peer)[3]
	Local port:Int=(Short Ptr peer)[8]
	ip=(ip Shr 24) | (ip Shr 8 & $ff00) | (ip Shl 8 & $ff0000) | (ip Shl 24)
	Return ip

N(Posted 2009) [#2]
So... what bug are you reporting?

JoshK(Posted 2009) [#3]
The offsets for enet_peer_address are wrong. The function doesn't work.

plash(Posted 2009) [#4]
The function doesn't work.
Which function does not work? Did you change all of the functions you posted above?

marksibly(Posted 2009) [#5]