From some reason this gets memory access violation

Archives Forums/BlitzMax Bug Reports/From some reason this gets memory access violation

Hardcoal(Posted 2013) [#1]
Type Test
	Field AText:String
	Method Mainer(Data:String)
		AText = Data
	 	Function Req()
	 		Print AText
	 	End Function
	End Method
End Type

Local TT:Test = New Test


I was just challanging the system
I know its recursive but it get stuck even before it prints one time

also I had a weird print result when i did this code


'------Command Extender ------'

'45 * (90 + 3 / 4)

Type CmdExtender_Class

	Field CommandName:String

	Field CSParent:CmdExtender_Class
	Field SubCommands:TList = CreateList()
	Field CommandText:String
 	Method ParsePrivate:String() Abstract		'parsePrivate an Action
   'Main Parser
	Method MainParseProcess(Text:String, Command:CmdExtender_Class, Debug = False)
		CommandText = Text
	   'Command Loop
			Req_MainParseProcess(Command, Debug)
		Until CommandText = ""

		Function Req_MainParseProcess:String(Command:CmdExtender_Class, Debug = False)
			Local TextChunk:String

			If Command <> Null Then

			   'Take Chunk
				TextChunk = Command.ParsePrivate()
				Print CommandText
				If TextChunk <> "" Then
					'SubCommands Parse
					Local TempCommand:CmdExtender_Class, Answer:String
					For TempCommand = EachIn Command.SubCommands
						If CommandText <> "" Then Answer = Req_MainParseProcess(TempCommand, Debug)
						If Answer <> "" Then Exit
					If Debug Then
						Print "Remaind Text: " + CommandText + " TextChunk: " + TextChunk
						Delay (200)
					End If
				End If
			End If
			Return TextChunk
		End Function
	End Method
	'Add Command
	Method AddNewCommandAsSon:CmdExtender_Class(Command:CmdExtender_Class, Parent:CmdExtender_Class = Null)
		Local NewCell:CmdExtender_Class
		NewCell = New Command
		NewCell.CSParent = Parent
		Int_CommandAdding(NewCell, Parent)
		Return NewCell
	End Method
	Method AddExistingCommandAsSon(Cmnd:CmdExtender_Class, ParentCmnd:CmdExtender_Class)
		Int_CommandAdding(Cmnd, ParentCmnd)
	End Method
		Method Int_CommandAdding(Cmnd:CmdExtender_Class, ParentCmnd:CmdExtender_Class)
			If ParentCmnd = Null Then
				ListAddLast(SubCommands, Cmnd)
				ListAddLast(ParentCmnd.SubCommands, Cmnd)
			End If
		End Method
		Method DisplayStructure()
		End Method
End Type

'Example: Name/Dan|2/45

'Example: 45*(90+3/4)

'-----------------SubCommands Tests---------------'


	Type Proc_Math_Class Extends CmdExtender_Class
		Method New()
			CommandName = "Proc_Math_Class"
		   'Command Acceptence
			AddNewCommandAsSon(New Sign_Number_Class)
			AddNewCommandAsSon(New Sign_Multiply)
		    AddNewCommandAsSon(New Proc_Brackets)
			AddNewCommandAsSon(New Sign_Devide)

		End Method
		Method ParsePrivate:String()
			Return CommandText
		End Method
	End Type
	Type Proc_Brackets Extends CmdExtender_Class		'() 
		Method New()
		End Method

		Method ParsePrivate:String()
			Local I, Answer:String
			If Left(CommandText, 1) = "(" Then
				For I = 2 To Len(CommandText)
					If Mid(CommandText, I, 1) = ")" Then
						Answer = Mid(CommandText, 2, I - 2)
						CommandText = Right(CommandText, Len(CommandText) - I)
						Return Answer
					End If
			End If
		End Method
	End Type
	Type Sign_Number_Class Extends CmdExtender_Class
		Method ParsePrivate:String()
			Local I, Answer:String

			For I = 1 To Len(CommandText)
				If Left(CommandText, 1) = "-" Or Left(CommandText, 1) = "+" Then I = I + 1
				If ChrarecterFound(Mid(CommandText, I, 1), ".0123456789") <> True Then
					Answer =Left(CommandText, I - 1)
					CommandText = Right(CommandText, Len(CommandText) - (I - 1))
					Return Answer
				End If
		End Method
			Method ChrarecterFound(Text:String, ChrsList:String)			'Looks from a list of charecters and return true found
				Local I,J,LenChrs,CurrentChr$
				For I=1 To LenChrs
					For J=1 To Len(Text)
						If Mid(Text,J,1)=CurrentChr Then Return True
			End Method
	End Type

	Type Sign_Minus Extends CmdExtender_Class				'-
		Method parsePrivate:String()
			If Left(CommandText, 1) = "-" Then
				CommandText = Right(CommandText, Len(CommandText) - 1)
				Return "-"
			End If
		End Method
	End Type
	Type Sign_Plus Extends CmdExtender_Class				'+
		Method parsePrivate:String()
			If Left(CommandText, 1) = "+" Then
				CommandText = Right(CommandText, Len(CommandText) - 1)
				Return "+"
			End If
		End Method
	End Type
	Type Sign_Multiply Extends CmdExtender_Class			'*
		Method parsePrivate:String()
			If Left(CommandText, 1) = "*" Then
				CommandText = Right(CommandText, Len(CommandText) - 1)
				Return "*"
			End If
		End Method
	End Type

	Type Sign_Devide Extends CmdExtender_Class				'/
		Method parsePrivate:String()
			If Left(CommandText, 1) = "/" Then
				CommandText = Right(CommandText, Len(CommandText) - 1)
			 	Return "/"
			End If
		End Method
	End Type


'-----Test Area-----'

Global math:Proc_Math_Class = New Proc_Math_Class

math.MainParseProcess("-45*(90+30/40)", New Proc_Math_Class, True)

its like he returns the internal process. haha funny and weird

Button Line I cant trust Funtions inside a method after this test

col(Posted 2013) [#2]

Functions within Types have no real association to the Type other than its scope level. The members of the Type are not available to the Function and you should pass in an instance of the Type as a parameter. It's strange that it 'kinda' works and bugs out as the compiler should really pick up these type of errors during compilation.

For eg...

Type Test
	Field AText:String
	Method Mainer(Data:String)
		AText = Data
	 	Function Req(Instance:Test)
	 		Print Instance.AText
	 	End Function
	End Method
End Type

Local TT:Test = New Test


Hardcoal(Posted 2013) [#3]
Second code even weirder.
Dont try to understand it. Its a mess.
But the result is funny

col(Posted 2013) [#4]

Dont try to understand it. Its a mess.

Doesn't look so bad. It can initially look confusing when you're using inheritance, although a little tidy up will help with debugging. We're programmers and the temptation to not look through the code is just too much :P

Especially as it does die so spectacularly!

[EDIT] The error is no doubt caused by the 'Function within Type' scenario as I explained above.