unloading memory (freeimage)

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/unloading memory (freeimage)

ILonion(Posted 2012) [#1]

I found some trouble in <FreeImage> operator:

I trying to unload images, using Freeimage. Well, it seems strange (by task manager):

win7 64 bit:
start program, blitzcc.exe used - 14 Mb;
after load images (big animimages) - 74 Mb;
after FreeImage - 38,5...44 Mb.

win7 32bit:
14 Mb - 74 Mb - 74 Mb...

Where is unloading memory? :)

Global curdir$ = CurrentDir$()

Graphics 800,600,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global limitspeed = CreateTimer(70)
Global image1
Global image2
Global image3
Global load_animation
Global op_menu
Global animation_clock = 0
Global anim_secs = MilliSecs()
Global frame
While Not KeyHit(1);esc


Text 10,10,"press SPACE to start\stop"

If Not (MilliSecs() <= (anim_secs + 33));33 ms.
animation_clock = 1
anim_secs = MilliSecs()
End If

If KeyHit(57); space button
If op_menu = 1
op_menu = 0
load_animation = 0
FreeImage image1
FreeImage image2
FreeImage image3
op_menu = 1
End If
End If

If op_menu = 1
End If

animation_clock = 0

Function open_menu()
If load_animation = 0
image1 = LoadAnimImage (curdir$ + "image1.png",410,172,0,30)
image2 = LoadAnimImage (curdir$ + "image2.png",167,404,0,30)
image3 = LoadAnimImage (curdir$ + "image3.png",200,407,0,30)
load_animation = 1
End If

If animation_clock = 1
frame = frame + 1
If frame = 26 Then frame = 0
End If

DrawImage image2,50,23,frame
DrawImage image1,185,320,frame
DrawImage image3,600,30,frame

End Function


Help somebody! :)

the images used (gray lines in top):
- image1
- image2
- image3

Yasha(Posted 2012) [#2]
Task Manager is not a good way to measure your program's memory use. It displays the amount of memory allocated by the system, for the whole program, not the amount of memory allocated by the program for use as objects.

-- if the system is not under memory pressure, it will be relaxed about reclaiming memory that it doesn't need and may be used again in short order by your program.

-- if small objects allocated by your program persist on a memory page, that entire page is lost to the system even if most of it is unused. So if you allocate huge image - tiny wrapper object - huge image - tiny wrapper object... and each pair takes up one page, then deallocate all the images, all the memory will stay in use by your program because the wrapper objects are all on separate pages.

A slightly better test is to see what happens to the Task Manager figure when you reload the images. Does usage jump up to 140MB? Or does it reuse that space, indicating that the system was just being conservative?

ILonion(Posted 2012) [#3]
Thank you very much, Yasha!

Yes, the memory is not increased.