Debuglog string parameters

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/Debuglog string parameters

xMicky(Posted 2009) [#1]
Surprisingly "Debuglog" does not take notice of this wrong syntax:

Debuglog Trim$(1+1) +","Trim$(1+2)

It just gives out:


Same rules for "Debuglog" in BMax btw

Stevie G(Posted 2009) [#2]
Why is this in bug reports? Simply use the correct syntax?!

Debuglog Trim$(1+1) +"," + Trim$(1+2)

Floyd(Posted 2009) [#3]
I would consider it a bug, although a rather harmless one.

Blitz has done this forever. When it recognizes the end of a command it just starts parsing the next one, even if it is on the same line. So it treats the single line as if it were two commands:

Debuglog Trim$(1+1) +"," : Trim$(1+2)

Here Trim$(1+2) returns the string "3", which is then ignored.

A more obvious example of two commands via bad syntax:

Print "hello"x$="goodbye"
Print x
