Text command not using Color

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/Text command not using Color

Subirenihil(Posted 2009) [#1]
The Text command does not use the color set by Color exactly.

In the following code, you can see that the program should stop at (0,0) if this is a color depth issue. However, it does not stop there - it stops later in the code when it first finds a pixel of the text.
Graphics 320,240,0,2 ;Adjust your desktop to 24 or 32 bit to avoid possible misidentification of the issue
SetBuffer FrontBuffer()

ClsColor 255,255,255
Color 0,0,0
Plot 0,0		;This should cause the program to stop at (0,0) if it is merely a color depth issue
Text 0,0,"testing"		;Text and pixel (0,0) should be the same color

For x=0 To 319
	For y=0 To 239
		;If the pixel is not black or white (all should be) then
		;post error stating the offending pixel and its value
		;Because the pixel (0,0) should be the same color as the text
		;this line should exit the program at (0,0) or not at all
		;(it may also exit at (0,1) if not in 24 or 32 bit mode)
		If p<>$FFFFFFFF And p<>$FF000000 Then RuntimeError "("+Str$(x)+","+Str$(y)+")"+Chr$(13)+p1$


My machine is currently running at 1280x1024x32.

On my computer I get the following message:
instead of no message, as is expected.