Docs: Command Reference index

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/Docs: Command Reference index

Axel Wheeler(Posted 2008) [#1]
This is not a bug, but an annoyance in the documentation. When I go to the command reference (see menu below) I am already thinking about the command I want to look up (usually). I know whether it is a 3D command or not - the human brain is very good after all at visualizing 3D things.

But the first choice I have to make is whether I want the commands by category or A-Z. Once I decide that I have to remember the command I was looking up. For some reason this scrambles my brain and I click the wrong link more often than not.

If I'm the only one, fine, but I bet everyone has this problem.

Below is the current version followed by my suggested improvement:

Command Ref.

2D - Category 
3D - Category 

2D - A-Z 
3D - A-Z 

ASCII Codes 

Scancodes Picker 


Improved version(imo):

Command Ref.

2D - Category
2D - A-Z 

3D - Category
3D - A-Z 

ASCII Codes 

Scancodes Picker 


As I say, feel free to ignore this if I'm the only one. :-)

Beaker(Posted 2008) [#2]
I just changed it for you. Only took 10 seconds!
<title>Blitz3D Docs</title>
<link rel=stylesheet href=css/menu.css type=text/css>
<h1>Command Ref.</h1>
<a href=command_list_2d_cat.htm>2D - Category</a>
<a href=command_list_2d_a-z.htm>2D - A-Z</a>
<a href=command_list_3d_cat.htm>3D - Category</a>
<a href=command_list_3d_a-z.htm>3D - A-Z</a>
<a href=ascii.htm target=main>ASCII Codes</a>
<a href=scancodes.htm target=main>Scancodes</a>
<a href=scancode/keyboard.htm target=main>Scancodes Picker</a>
<a target=_top href=index.htm>Index</a>

Save to "C:\Program Files\Blitz3D\help" as "command_list.htm".

_33(Posted 2008) [#3]
I think it's good as it is.

Axel Wheeler(Posted 2008) [#4]
Thanks, Beaker. (And thanks for Fontext, too. It's great!)

My point still holds, though. If it's more difficult for most people why not change it at the next doc update?

Here's my version:
<title>Blitz3D Docs</title>
<link rel=stylesheet href=css/menu.css type=text/css>
<h1>Command Reference</h1>
<h1>BlitzBasic Commands</h1>
<a href=command_list_2d_cat.htm>2D - Category</a>
<a href=command_list_2d_a-z.htm>2D - A-Z</a>
<h1>3D Commands</h1>
<a href=command_list_3d_cat.htm>3D - Category</a>
<a href=command_list_3d_a-z.htm>3D - A-Z</a>
<h1>Other Stuff</h1>
<a href=ascii.htm target=main>ASCII Codes</a>
<a href=scancodes.htm target=main>Scancodes</a>
<a href=scancode/keyboard.htm target=main>Scancodes Picker</a>
<a target=_top href=index.htm>Index</a>

It should replace "C:\Program Files\Blitz3D\help\commands\command_list.htm"

hockings(Posted 2008) [#5]
I'd like to see it changed too.

In fact, I'd be happy to see the documentation totally up to date to reflect all the current commands, not just the commands how they were at version 1.88