'abnormal program termination' on program end

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/'abnormal program termination' on program end

Storm8191(Posted 2008) [#1]
I have come across an unusual problem with a game I'm working on. Whenever I exit the game by 'End', I get a Visual C++ runtime error on blitzcc.exe, which says only "abnormal program termination" when in debug mode. If I'm running in non-debug mode, I get a MAV when the program ends. I can't really explain why this is happening, but it has came up just recently. My other projects still don't have this problem. Some of my other projects are larger, but not as complex as this one. This project uses a lot of banks, which contain type instance handles, making the banks good for type lists. I'm not using any DLL's, no network code, just graphics and data.

I'd share the source I have but its about 4000 lines of code, so it would be too much to post here, though I could email it to someone if need be. I'm running Windows XP, last update has been about 1 1/2 years ago (last time my laptop was online)... umm, about average specs, I don't usually have any problems with hardware capability.

I know this doesn't help much without a solid example, but with a project this big its rather hard to make one. I hope you can figure something out with this.

lo-tekk(Posted 2008) [#2]
I had such an issue lately. If you don't have an END add one, this solved MY problem.

Santiworld(Posted 2009) [#3]
hi, same problem, no idea was happening..

someone know why?

please.. blitz support, any with experience...

GaryV(Posted 2009) [#4]
There is a similar problem with BlitzPlus under Vista 64 and 7 64. Perhaps this is connected? If it is, you are going to be up the creek as BRL does not seem interested in fixing the B+ issue.

Santiworld(Posted 2009) [#5]
i'm trying to debug de error...

i replace all LOADMESH and LOADANIMMESH for Createbox()

so, i no have more .b3d in the game, all cubes entitys, no srites, but the problems persist...

replace all Entitytexture for ;Entitytexture, so, i don't have more textures in all game, but, the same problem.

fastlib on, or off, the problem is the same..

i going to be more creative, maibe the problem is in global declarations, locals, types?

i have this type in the game..

Type ODEGeom
	Field ID
	Field body
	Field geom
	Field mesh
	Field lvl
End Type

Type car
	Field id%
	Field name$
	Field body
	Field Geom
	Field Mesh
	Field skin
	Field CMass#
	Field WMass#
	Field Force#
	Field Steer#
	Field torque#
	Field WGeom[4]
	Field Wheel[4]
	Field wmesh[4]
	Field wmesh2[4]
	Field engine
	Field interior
	Field opticas
	Field Joint[4]
	Field cambio%
	Field tcambio#
	Field freno_mano#
	Field rpms#
	Field vel#
	Field velx#
	Field vely#
	Field velz#
	Field pit_stop
	Field pivot
	Field col
	Field rumbo
	Field direccion
	Field f_direccion#
	Field ia_dist_w 
	Field ia_w_deriba
	Field ia_w_next%
	Field ia_w_actual%
	Field control$
	Field intencion
	Field intencion_id
	Field player_joy
	Field  k_up
	Field  k_back
	Field  k_left
	Field  k_right
	Field  k_gear_up
	Field  k_gear_down
	Field  k_hand_brake
	Field  k_reset
	Field sombra
	Field frente
	Field luces
	Field luces_t
	Field pilot 
	Field lap
	Field pos
	Field clasif
	Field points#
	Field pivot_position		; mueve segun la velx de cada coche para deducir posicion
	Field race_pos_result
	Field nombre$
	Field time
	Field t_total
	Field t_lap
	Field t_best
	Field t_last
	Field t_finish
	Field suma_tiempos
	Field view1  ;vista del piloto
	Field ch_motor
	Field ch_slide
	Field temp  ; temporizador de tiempo temporal
	Field Stop  ;tiempo q el auto esta detenido
	Field playing ;si esta jugando collisiona con la meta
	Field succion#
	Field Input$
End Type

Type player
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field name$,net_id$
	Field ent,cam,piv
	Field car
End Type

Type smoke
	Field entidad
	Field vida#
	Field tipo
End Type

Type mark
	Field entidad
	Field vida#
End Type

Type spark
	Field entidad
	Field vida#
	Field tipo
	Field vx#
	Field vy#
	Field vz#
End Type

Type particula
	Field entidad
End Type

Type world_track
	Field pivot
	Field entidad
	Field latitud#
	Field longitud#
	Field nombre
	Field tipo
	Field ID
End Type

Santiworld(Posted 2009) [#6]
there is a new posibility...

i testing the CreateListener()

i remove all lines connected with emitsound createlistener channels etc..

maibe is something of that... don't know...

Santiworld(Posted 2009) [#7]

important notice..

definitly i am shure the problem is in some part in the code of sounds...

maibe a soundfile, or in a channel, in herz..

if i remove all sound command, the problem of "ABNORMAL END " is resolved

if someone have the same problem, please, try this and post the results

Ross C(Posted 2009) [#8]
Seems to be quite a few sound problems creeping up, to do with the 3d sound system.