Buggy Demo version

Archives Forums/Blitz3D Bug Reports/Buggy Demo version

Jillinger(Posted 2014) [#1]
I'm not sure if this happens with the full version, but I am using the demo version and I am getting inconsistent behavior. For example:
I made a duplicate of the xfighter.bb sample, put my own terrain in - ran it, and it worked. The next day I ran it, it returned the error, that I had exceeded the allowed amount of resources for the demo version. Even though I had not added any new resources. It didn't do that the day before.
Another case: I placed my own logo in the start screen - ran it, and it worked. I just made a few changes, outside the start file (start.bb), and when I ran the file, it returned an error about not finding the file in the line "DrawBlock startImage,320,144" even though the "MidHandle startImage" did not return an error.
I could mention a few more, but I will mention a very significant one which happened a few moments ago. I went back to my first lesson:

Global escape_key = 1
Global screenW = 640, screenH = 480

Graphics3D (screenW,screenH,32,2)
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

myLight_01 = CreateLight(2)
RotateEntity (myLight_01,0,0,0) ; rotate the light (not at this time 0,0,0)

myCam_01 = CreateCamera()
CameraViewport (myCam_01,0,0,screenW,screenH) 

; Set up my (floating point) position variables 
; [% = For integer variables] [# = For floating point variables] [$ = For string variables] [.{typename} For custom type variables]
posX_x# = 0:	posY_y# = 0:	posZ_z# = 0

;xy position - center of game window 
cenX_x# = screenW/2:	cenY_y# = screenH/2

;################################################ CUBE
aCube = CreateCube() ; create a cube
;--- set initial cube parameters ---;
aCube_alpha# = 0.5 ; floating point variable for alpha
aCube_shine# = 0 ;floating point variable for shininess 
aCube_tex = LoadTexture("test.png") ; load a texture
EntityTexture (aCube,aCube_tex) ; use texture on cube
PositionEntity (aCube,-1,1,posZ_z+2) ; position it
ScaleEntity (aCube,0.25,0.25,0.25) ; scale it
EntityColor (aCube, 255,150,0) ; color it
EntityAlpha (aCube,aCube_alpha) ; make transparent
RotateEntity (aCube,0,0,0) ; rotate it

;################################################ MODEL
aModel = LoadMesh("tiger.3ds") ; load a model
;--- set initial model  parameters ---;
entAlpha# = 1 ; floating point variable for alpha
aModel_tex = LoadTexture("tigerTex.bmp") ; load a texture
EntityTexture (aModel,aModel_tex) ; use texture on model
PositionEntity (aModel,0,4,posZ_z) ; position it
ScaleEntity (aModel,0.05,0.05,0.05) ; scale it
RotateEntity (aModel,-90,0,0) ; rotate it
EntityAlpha (aModel,entAlpha) ; alpha

While Not KeyHit(escape_key)
	UpdateWorld  0
       RenderWorld ; 



What's wrong with this code? Noting right.
Four days ago when I did this, it was working. I could see both my textured cube and my textured tiger. I did not touch this file for four days.
Today I run the file. I see both my cube and tiger, both textured. OK, let me add a terrain to see how they work. (I use the one from xfighter)

;################################################ TERRAIN
aTerr = LoadTerrain ("hmap_1024.bmp") ; load a terrain
; Set terrain detail, enable vertex morphing 
;TerrainDetail aTerr,4000,True 
;--- set initial Terrain parameters ---;
terAlpha# = 1 ; floating point variable for alpha
aTerr_tex1 = LoadTexture("coolgrass2.bmp")
aTerr_tex2 = LoadTexture("lmap_256.bmp") ; load a texture
EntityTexture (aTerr,aTerr_tex1) 
;EntityTexture (aTerr,aTerr_tex2) ; use texture on terrain
PositionEntity (aTerr,0,0,posZ_z) ; position it
;ScaleTexture (aTerr_tex1,10,10)
;ScaleEntity (aTerr,0.20,0.20,0.20) ; scale it
;RotateEntity (aTerr,0,0,0) ; rotate it
;EntityAlpha (aTerr,terAlpha) ; alpha

Run. I don't see any terrain. Maybe it's too dark.
I adjusted the lights, but still don't see it. So I decided, 'Let me start with it untextured.

aTerr = LoadTerrain ("hmap_1024.bmp") ; load a terrain

Hey! There's part of it - gray and shiny, but what happened to my tiger. My tiger disappeared. Why? I removed the terrain completely. Still no tiger.
After a few frustrating runs I concluded, this is way past buggy. Get this: With the simple code, I started with, I got an error 'Cannot load texture "test.png".'
What!? I checked my folder, and sure enough, the file was there. I did another run - no error. The cube shows, but still no tiger. What is this? Bug3D?

I don't know if anyone has been experiencing such issues, in either the demo or full version, but if it it that it's only the demo, then I think the developers need to fix it, because I downloaded it as a try before I buy, but even though I like it ease of use, I'm frustrated with these inconsistencies. If these errors are occurring because they tried to limit it's use, that's just ridiculous, because I don't see how limiting the program becomes a necessity, if they have already disabled the 'save game' feature. Disable 'save game' feature, and give persons the full use of the program (including "Undo"). I would be more inclined to spend my money on a software program that runs smoothly, than on one that frustrates me.

What do you guys think?

Jillinger(Posted 2014) [#2]
This isn't funny, but it's laughable. Just to change a simple digit and change it back I get a error on the first two runs. Third run - it's Ok. That's it for me and blitz3d. It's here that we part company.
Hey look what I found Click here!
It uses the python language - and it's FREE.

Jillinger(Posted 2014) [#3]
Sorry. The language is isimilar to python.

RemiD(Posted 2014) [#4]
For me the message #2 looks like spam. I am surprised that the mods seem to not care

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2014) [#5]
This thread needs deleted.

GfK(Posted 2014) [#6]
Always makes me smile when you get people whining that stuff is "buggy", when 99.9% of the time it's down to their own inexperience because they've doctored somebody else's code without having the slightest clue what it did in the first place. They're down right rude in their pleas for help AND they think it's plenty sufficient to just say "it's buggy", "it errors", "it doesn't work", "this sucks".

But anyway, good luck with Python. You and your little attitude problem are going to need it.